Slimmer This Summer

There is a great support group for moderate weight loss over at Debbie Does Dieting.  It’s called Slimmer This Summer, and sounds very reasonable — you set your own goals.  Unfortunately, they want you to keep your calories to 10,000/week maximum, and I know from my experience and training that my body needs 1600-1700 cal/day, which puts me over 11,000/week.

I know I can lose 25 pounds in 12 weeks.  I’ve done it before, and I could, quite frankly, stand to lose another 15.  That’s a little more than 1 pound/week.  But I know from my experience and training that I personally need to eat lots of nutrient-dense, high-fiber and high-protein foods, and get aerobic and strength training 3 times per week.  Fuel for the fire, and moving hard.

So I’m embarking on my own summer slim-down of sorts.  I’ve been planning on implementing this plan for a while now, but you know what they say about plans….  This spark has provided me with motivation!

While I won’t be participating in this Slimmer This Summer program, it could work for you.  If you’re looking for an online blog community (no registrations, no fees, just other participants) to support your fitness goals, check it out at Debbie Does Dieting.  See you there.

2 thoughts on “Slimmer This Summer

  1. I would be happy to have you in the challenge. I don’t mind if people set their own goals as long as they stick to them. That is the point, sticking to goals. I haven’t read your blog but I presume you need to have the extra couple hundred calories for a medical reason or you exercise a lot. Certainly if there is a reason, I have no problem with that. Send me an email if you want to join so I can get your name and email address. Thanks! Meanwhile, I’ll try to catch up on your blog!


    1. Well, okay! It seemed pretty clear you wanted us to keep it less than 10K, but if you’re flexy-bendy, then I’d love to join up! C’mon folks….let’s get going!


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